A Special Thank You from Kristie Ann Griess

Dear Epilepsy Warriors, Healthcare Heroes and Miracle Makers,

I write this letter with a humble heart of gratitude. The magnitude of appreciation I have for you and your contributions to Mickie’s Miracle’s mission have been tremendous and awe-inspiring. 

I will never forget the day the vision for this organization was given to me. My sweet baby girl, Mickie, still had stitches in her head from life-saving epilepsy brain surgery. I was experiencing the height of my trauma – a constant fear and worry my daughter was going to die. I got on my knees and prayed to God. “Why Lord?” I asked, “why did we have to go through this?” The next words that came forth were from the depths of my soul. “Use me!”

The next day, Mickie’s occupational therapist shared she had another family who had a child with seizures. They were lost and didn’t know where to turn. Reflexively, I told Ms. Keri to have the parents call me. That night I had my first conversation as an Epilepsy Advocate. I then made business cards for other therapists to share with anyone they met with a child with unanswered epilepsy questions. I said, “have them call me.” They did. And they did. From the kitchen table of our home in Vacaville, California, a telephone hotline that became Mickie’s Miracle’s was birthed.

Never would I believe it would transform into the non-profit organization it is today. We have connected families all over the world to epilepsy centers across the country. We wrapped our arms around our Warrior families to help them along their journeys. I never wanted anyone to feel the despair and isolation we did. The outpouring of support, advocacy, and hope that I have witnessed has been miraculous. As the organization grew, so has my relationship with the Lord. What were once faint whisperings are now deep knowing’s. I have never been steered wrong. I have always moved forward in gratitude that my beautiful daughter was saved from this terrible disease. Faith has motivated me through all the challenges and sleepless nights worrying about the Warriors we hadn’t reached and the parents still searching for answers.

Since our inception, Mickie’s Miracles has been dedicated to creating a space where Warrior families could turn when the system failed, as it so often does. We provided needed direction and urgent guidance on how to navigate their seizing child to proper diagnosis and treatment. Mickie’s Miracles became a platform for Warrior parents to commune and share their stories and launch their own advocacy efforts. It became a place where the best epileptologists, neurosurgeons, mental health professionals and epilepsy nurse coordinators could convene from across the country to discuss and advise on Warriors. These Warriors were seemingly at the end of their rope, with no place to turn. We have supported families globally from the UK, to Canada, to Hungary, to India, South America, Africa and Asia. We have written songs and produced music videos. We danced for the stars and partnered with hospitals across the Nation. We have had lobbies named after us and we have hosted countless online benefits, webinars, podcasts, community events and presentations.  We have inspired politicians to support epilepsy awareness and had Mickie’s birthday declared as Pediatric Epilepsy Awareness Day. I spoke before the Congressional Neuroscience Caucus in Washington DC. We produced a gala with the King of Poker hosting an out of this world tournament that supported our Warriors and allowed new surgical technology and research to evolve. And through it all, I never forgot that the most important aspect of this ministry were the Mama Bears and Papa Bears searching for answers. Caregivers desperate, like Gabriel and I were, to stop the catastrophic seizures that could destroy their babies developing brains. 

God answered my request and used me to start Mickie’s Miracles to minister to epilepsy Warriors all over the world. Now he is asking me to dissolve Mickie’s Miracles as I transition into a new season. I have seen glimpses of this vision for the next chapter for some time. I can see now that I wasn’t ready to accept it. I was not ready to return my baby, Mickie’s Miracles, to the Lord until now. I have received clear direction that Mickie’s Miracles has been a good and faithful servant and there is a New Day Dawning on my Ministry. I am eternally grateful for each of you.

By Faith,

Kristie Ann Griess

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