Kristie Griess
Kristie is Mickie’s mom and the Visionary and Founder of Mickie’s Miracles. It is her vision that families affected by Pediatric Epilepsy get the highest level of care available and that no family is left fighting a ghost.
Kat Bryan
Kat is Mickie’s Nana and is in charge of Special Projects and is many times behind the scenes making everything look effortless. It is Kat’s vision that no grandparent has to watch helplessly as their children and grandchildren suffer through the pain of not knowing what is next or when the next seizure will come.
Alex Cornell Du Houx
Alex is one of Mickie’s favorite people. He is our Media & Government Relations Specialist. Like many others, Alex is inspired by Mickie. Her story reminds us of how vitally important it is to protect our kids, especially the 1 in 26 that will develop epilepsy. He is passionate about helping Mickie and all the children on our planet.
Katie Draznin
Katie and Mickie are Buddies. They love to sing together and Mickie loves to tell Katie about her day. Katie is our International Correspondent. She is traveling the globe spreading Epilepsy Awareness everywhere she goes. She is committed to creating a world where no family is left without answers.
Michelle Hansen
Michelle is Mickie’s Miracles Admin Extraordinaire. She is committed to helping in anyway possible to assist in making Kristie’s vision not only possible, but a reality.