November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month !

November 1st – National Epilepsy Awareness Month Begins Today! Today, November 1st, marks the beginning of National Epilepsy Awareness Month. Although Mickie’s Miracles is critically focused on stopping pediatric epilepsy and getting infants and children the urgent care they need to ensure quality of life, we believe it’s important to increase awareness about epilepsy […]
A Seizure Log Your Doctor Will Love

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] A Seizure Log your Doctor will Love By Colleen Jendreas With epilepsy, keeping track of seizures is incredibly important. Your Epileptologist will be relying heavily on the information your provide and if you provide ALL right the info, it could save you a trip to the EMU (Epilepsy Monitoring Unit). Here is how […]
This Is 40

Today I am 40. The last few weeks I have been reflecting on what I’ve learned and lost these past 40 years. It is a valuable and remarkable check-in point. I remember my mom throwing my dad an over the top 40th birthday bash. I also remember a pile of black gift bags saying “over […]
The Ultimate Patron Experience from the Napa Valley Film Festival

In honor of the 89th Oscars airing Sunday night, I thought it would be fun to share my ultimate patron experience from the Napa Valley Film Festival last November. Our country’s election was certainly a dramatic backdrop for opening night. After a sneak preview of the Oscar nominated film, 20th Century Women, starring Annette Benning, […]

For the past few weeks, I have delved through old videos and pictures of Mickie during her early battle with Epilepsy to provide content for the Mickie’s Miracles website.
My Re-Balancing Act

As summer days’ wane, I am soaking up the time with my kiddos. I enjoy my morning Lego building with Preston. This just means I sort them by color as he makes insanely cool and perfectly engineered creations and enlightens me on his world.
Long Term Monitoring (LTM) Part 2

I believe in my heart Mikayla would not be alive if we had not found Dr. Mary Zupanc, Chair of Pediatric Neurology and the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at CHOC Children’s Hospital.