Kristie Griess
Kristie is Mickie’s mom and the Visionary and Founder of Mickie’s Miracles. It is her vision that families affected by Pediatric Epilepsy get the highest level of care available and that no family is left fighting a ghost.

Kat Bryan
Kat is Mickie’s Nana and is in charge of Special Projects and is many times behind the scenes making everything look effortless. It is Kat’s vision that no grandparent has to watch helplessly as their children and grandchildren suffer through the pain of not knowing what is next or when the next seizure will come.

Dario Herrera
Dario joined Mickie’s Miracles originally as a branding and social media strategist. After working closely and effectively with Kristie on Mickie’s Miracles strategic initiatives, as well as his background in health care policy and leadership experience, he was asked to become executive director. As E.D., Dario has spearheaded the COVID H.O.P.E. Micro-Grant, is working on Mickie’s legislative awareness program, and is developing new programs in music therapy and mental health.