Pediatric Epileptologist
A Pediatric Epileptologist is a Pediatric Neurologist that specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and management of Epilepsy in children. These doctors are highly trained in reading EEGs and other diagnostic tools in regards to Epilepsy. An Epileptologist is the highest level of care one can seek in the epilepsy field.
When Should We Find a Pediatric Epileptologist?
If your child’s neurologist has exhausted their expertise and you still do not have the answers you are seeking, you should request a referral to a Pediatric Epileptologist. It is your right to request the highest level of care possible. Do not give up until you get the answers you are seeking. It is urgent and imperative that a diagnosis be made to receive the proper treatment to combat the seizures.

In the video of Mickie here, please note the subtle epileptic spasms that occur after her head turns when her arms raise at :14 and her eyes widen at :28.