Amazing things have been unfolding since my last post.  Over the last few weeks we have started creating our non-profit called Mickie’s Miracles.  We have been so blessed with the tremendous amount of support and good wishes we have received.  I am excited that we have started the process of selecting our Board of Directors. We are pleased to announce our first member who will be our legal council. She is in the process of preparing the necessary documents to file for our 501 (c) 3 status.  In addition, we have created our mission statement:  Mickie’s Miracles will create awareness, education and partnership for Pediatric Epilepsy, RARE Disease and the Special Needs Community.  We are hoping to have our big kick off event in August.  Things are really starting to come together.

We have also been busy moving into The Buck.  Today was a special day, tonight is our first night here.  We are sad to say goodbye to our old home.  There are so many memories there, but we are continuing to grow and expand our legacy.

There are bigger and brighter things on the horizon for us.  We will always be growing and giving it away.  I firmly believe in the old adage that “to whom much is given, much will be required.”  Gabe and I have been abundantly blessed.  We are living a life of service in every way. 225 Buck Avenue is not only our new home it will be the place where miracles are created!  We are dedicated to being outward focused and serve the community.


Mrs. Griess

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